Piggybacking on yesterday's post about "In C", there's plenty of similarly priced music available in Amazon's download store. I remember reading a blog post a year or so ago (I don't remember where) about the iTunes store selling many long Miles Davis tracks for $0.99, despite their policy that generally makes songs over 7 mins "album only". It looks like the same thing has happened to some tracks/albums on Amazon, like Riley's "In C" and "A Rainbow In Curved Air". The latter album has 2 tracks ("Rainbow" is ~19 mins. and "Poppy Nogood and the Phantom Band" is ~22) each selling for $0.99, with the full album download priced at $1.98.
I actually made this discovery after looking up On the Corner, which I'd seen earlier while browsing at Turn It Up!, but decided to hold off on purchasing. On Amazon, the two longer tracks are "album only", but as part of the full album download they're still priced at $0.99, making the entire 4 track, 55 min. album $3.96. At 6 tracks, Kind of Blue comes out to $5.94 (though the physical CD can be had for just $2 more)... and so on with much of his catalog. I haven't found any other artists yet whose albums are priced this way, but I imagine further searching in classical, jazz, and other typically long form genres would yield more good finds.
Note: I'm not necessarily advocating purchasing music from Amazon, but I was surprised that some of the album downloads were priced so low. There's certainly plenty to be said for supporting local music stores, not to mention the benefits of owning the physical albums rather than lossy, ethereal MP3s. Nonetheless, when I can find albums I've been looking for priced at <$5, I have a hard time saying no.
A Rainbow In Curved Air - CBS 7315 was my first record..... love it.
That's an impressive first record.
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