January 2, 2008

Year 3000

We live in public trailer from RADAR on Vimeo.

Radar online has the premiere of the (briefly NSFW) trailer for We Live in Public, an upcoming documentary about a group of 100 artists and volunteers who live in an sub-Manhattan bunker under constant video surveillance as part of some artistic-cum-social experiment. While the clip has a number of remarkable elements, from reminders of the heady days of the late 90s, when "cyberspace" presented a world of endless possibilities; to the muddled (to the point of incomprehensible) political overtones of the project; the most striking feature of the video is just how quaint it all seems. I don't know if its because 8 more years of reality TV have desensitized us to the entire premise, or because the inhabitants largely look to be the kind of "artistic" types whom it's impossible to take seriously anyway (think Elisa from the current season of Project Runway), but aside from general curiosity, the film doesn't seem nearly as interesting or compelling as it should. Wasn't there already a bad Matthew McConaughey movie about this? And at least that one seemed to have a clear idea of what it wanted to say. I'm all for raising more questions instead of providing answers, but the whole concept just seems like an already-dated mess.

Take a look and let me know what you think.

[Via Buzzfeed]

For the heads:

Jonas Brothers - Year 3000

1 comment:

colleen said...

finally! i can be considered a "head"!