First it was Arcade Fire and John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band, now Yeasayer and America.

For some reason, this song (Yeasayer, "2080") always reminds me of this (in style and spirit, if not necessarily in sound):
Yeasayer: Get a load of these hippie freaks.
For some reason, this song (Yeasayer, "2080") always reminds me of this (in style and spirit, if not necessarily in sound):
In my mind, the only appreciable difference in style - the part that makes Yeasayer's vision futuristic - is the yelling bridge that comes in about half way through the track. While Mad Max is destroying in Thunderdome, Yeasayer is a quasi-religious group of post-apocalyptic wasteland hippies, riding around in a converted, open-air Chevy Astro Van pulled by burros, eating the peyote that no doubt managed to survive the end times.
It's kind of disheartening to realize that songs that are getting all kinds of praise (at least on-line blog buzz praise) are just updates of corny songs from decades past.
but dude i like that america song. almost everything sounds like something else, and i'm totally cool with that. everything is pretty much a creedence song if you think about it long enough. these similarities don't bother me. what bothers me are projects like the upcoming cat power album.
buzz kill
I'm not necessarily saying it's a TERRIBLE thing, though i'm not really a fan of the America song. And while I agree that everything sounds like something else, some things sound way more like something else than other things do. I kind of like the Yeasayer song, fwiw.
ALSO I had another post in the works, but I didn't like where it was going, so I scrapped it and posted this instead. Only 2 weeks into blogging and I've already made a "Hey! Doesn't (new song) X sound like (old song) Y?!?" post. WHAT A HACK.
you should smoke a bunch of marijuana THEN listen to the america song. dude, for real for real. the song is really similar, though. and i always thought that cafferty song was the boss.
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